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日本特集みたいな Cell Stem Cell 6月14日5周年特集号

 見覚えのある画風の表紙を見てびっくりしました。最新号のCell Stem Cellです。
日本特集みたいな Cell Stem Cell 6月14日5周年特集号_c0025115_19473960.jpg
日本特集みたいな Cell Stem Cell 6月14日5周年特集号_c0025115_20372736.jpg

On the cover: The winning entry of our fifth anniversary issue cover contest submitted by Mai Kimoto, of Hokkaido University, Japan. Ms. Kimoto used colored pencils to draw stem cells and their niches as a coral reef of human tissues, highlighting the stem cells themselves in white. The populations depicted include embryonic stem cells in the inner cell mass of the developing embryo, neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brain, quiescent and actively proliferating intestinal stem cell populations in the base of the intestinal crypt, hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, hair follicle stem cells in the bulge, epidermal stem cells in the basal layer of the skin, and satellite cells under the basal lamina of muscle fibers. In all, the image celebrates the progress of the stem cell field over the past 5 years.
 雑誌の5周年を記念して公募した表紙デザインのウィナー is
Mai Kimoto, of Hokkaido University, Japan




These papers, from the groups of Akira Onishi, Yoshiki Sasai, and Jun Yamashita, provide a fitting illustration of the strong contributions that Japanese scientists are making to the stem cell field. The cover of the issue has a connection to Japan as well, because the winning entry from the competition we held earlier this year is from Mai Kimoto, a doctoral student at Hokkaido University. Mai's beautiful hand-drawn image depicts a broad range of tissues in which stem cells have been identified and characterized in a design inspired by marine ecosystems.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Past, Present, and Future p678
Shinya Yamanaka

 を始め、「we have also chosen to feature three research articles from Japan」と3つの日本からの論文が掲載されています。

日本特集みたいな Cell Stem Cell 6月14日5周年特集号_c0025115_2042459.jpg
日本特集みたいな Cell Stem Cell 6月14日5周年特集号_c0025115_20981.jpg
Commented by 木本です at 2012-06-20 10:20 x
Commented by stochinai at 2012-06-20 11:56
Commented by ぜのぱす at 2012-06-23 08:43 x

実は、私も1週間程前に、twitterでつぶやいていた(コピペ☞ twitter.com/Xenopus007/status/213780488584822784)んですが、それが幾人かにretweetされ、しかも、その中にCell Stem Cellの公式twitterが含まれていたと云う(笑)。「こっそり」は無理っぽいですね。
by stochinai | 2012-06-19 20:12 | 生物学 | Comments(3)

日の光今朝や鰯のかしらより            蕪村

by stochinai